Don’t Be a Celebrity

Our culture lauds celebrities to a fault. We place such a high priority on being famous (or getting there) that any status level lower than that of celebrity is simply unacceptable, in our minds.

We look at celebrities–famous people–and we envy them all their money, possessions, and prestige. This is sad. Because not everyone can or should be a celebrity.

Because success in life is about so much more than superficial standings. What about being famous in your own home, living a life worthy of the praise of your friends, wife, and children?

Well, then, we actually might have something to make the celebrities envious.

4 Comments on “Don’t Be a Celebrity”

  1. I agree. Too many people are scrambling for the attention and recognization of strangers and society as a whole and missing out in the opportunities to bless those around them in their personal life. To experience the joy of victory over false illusions and attachments and the freedom and peace experienced through an enriched devotional life and walk with Jesus.

    If God wants us to be famous before men, then so be it…if we seek and follow His will, it will happen. I guess the whole point is seeking out God’s will for our life and living it to the fullest.

    Thank you for this post. A good reminder…and a reassurance to those of us that live much less than glorified lives in the eyes of society…like me…a stay-at-home mother who feels sometimes silent and unknown in the world. But then I see my children and the seeds I plant in them everyday..the seeds of obedience, of hope, of love and of compassion, and know that that’s my true legacy.

  2. Jeff, I find a peculiar irony in this; namely, it seems to be human nature to always be wanting what we don’t have. Women with straight hair want curls, and vice-versa. Celebrities, having achieved success, want their anonymity back. Little guys like me want to be noticed for more than just fixing computers. And so it goes.

    The world, society, teaches one model of success, but Jesus teaches a far more subversive one: give it all up to get something intangible, but far more lasting.

    As an aside: what a different world it would be if we paid our entertainers a pittance, and teachers the millions.

  3. Jeff Goins says:

    Thanks for the comments, guys.

  4. […] network is simply this: serve people. In a world of
    self-congratulation and a growin obsession with celebrity culture,
    we need more of this ethos of humility and generosity. Networking
    is a funny concept. In business, […]

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